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Eliminating Cervical Cancer with Proactive Prevention

By August 5, 2022August 8th, 2022No Comments

Cancer of the cervix is a preventable disease that not only impacts a woman’s reproductive health and her life, but also the lives of her family, friends, and even her community. In 2020, Cervical cancer ranked as the:

  • 9th-most common cause of cancer death in the world.
  • 7th-most common cancer in the world.
  • 4th-most common cancer among women.
  • 4th-most common cause of cancer death in women.

More than 600,000 women were diagnosed with Cervical cancer in 2020. Of that, more than 340,000 deaths occurred (Source: International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization).

Eliminating a public health virus can eradicate Cervical cancer

By 2030, the World Health Organization (WHO) is asking each country to meet the following:

  • By age 15, fully vaccinating 90% of girls for human papillomavirus (HPV).
  • By age 35, screening 70% of women with a high-performance test.
  • 90% of women with pre-cancer receive treatment and 90% of women with invasive cancer receive proper care management.

Vaccination is a personal and often controversial choice. Based on the nature of HPV largely spreads during reproductive years, parents must decide for their children before exposure.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends beginning the first wave of prevention in the form of vaccinations between ages 11-12, although the choice is reportedly as early as 9 years. If postponed, younger adults can be vaccinated between 13-26 years. Beyond 26 years of age (27-45), most people have already had exposure to HPV.

Natural immunity can eliminate the virus in approximately 18 months. Yet, a weakened immune system allows the virus to progress into slow-developing cancer over decades. The only way to minimize the impact on a woman’s reproductive health is through preventive Cervical cancer screening.

The global initiative to eliminate Cervical cancer places most of the mortality burden in developing countries. However, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) conference in late 2021 confirmed that socio-economically disadvantaged parts of the U.S. continue to shoulder the burden as well.

To accomplish the world’s goal of reaching an incidence rate of less than four cases per 100,000 women, implementing continuous access to screening and treatment is vital.

Traditional standards of care are not feasible in many rural and medical resource-deficient locations

Encouraging healthcare groups to provide timesaving and affordable Cervical cancer screening tests like VIA (visual inspection with acetic acid) creates healthcare equality for women everywhere. And with VIA screenings, results are immediate compared to 1-3 weeks with traditional tests. Determining if one’s natural immunity resolved the virus responsible for Cervical cancer can now be done quickly and easily in just one appointment.

Sharing this information can help eliminate the only preventable cancer on the planet.

Let’s make Cervical cancer a chapter in world history.